Changing the status of agricultural land

Changing the status of an agricultural land to one for commercial or residential use is done in accordance to the Bulgarian Law system. The steps are as follows:wheat

1. Announcing intensions for development of the property in the national newspaper and local press.

2. Issuing a decision by Local Inspection for Preserving the Environment (RIOS in Bulgarian)
3. Approval by the mayor of the municipality for performing the procedure
4. Act for discarding perennial plants if such are present in the notary deeds.
5. Planning Geodesy Survey, Architecture , Water main, Electrical main and Road connection.
6.Stand of RIOS on the planning
7.Approval by municipality council
8.Payment of taxes established by the municipality council

After completion of the procedures the property gains a status of regulated land (UPI).Building works in accordance to the planning can be performed.